Nei, vi skal ikke skrive om Led Zeppelins reunion, heller om ryktene om at vokalist Marina har sluttet i Brasilbandet Bonde de Role. I går lå nemlig følgende melding ute på
myspace-siden til gruppa som tok 2007 med storm og drang: «hello there, we’re getting a lot of messages to know what’s going on with us … some of the emails are really nice, some others are angry/disapointed (and we totally agree with you guys!) and some others are just spam, as usual? we just thought it’d be nice to hear from us what’s really going on… and here it goes:? due to several internal problems between us, we had to cancel a lot of our shows from the European tour and we also had to cancel the scheduled australian tour (everyone knew how excited we were about it!), for that we’re really really sorry.? and we also anounce that marina is no longer with us, due to these internal problems. we wish her all the best in whatever she decides to do with her future and that she can always count on us as friends.? we are working these issues right now as we speak and we hope we can make it up to everyone who we let down this year, in the most awesome way we can!
thanks everyone for reading and stay tuned for the next chapters!
love,?dj gorky and pedro.»
I dag var den imidlertidig borte, så hvem vet hva som har skjedd. Kiss and make up, eller fuck off and die? Vi håper selvfølgelig på det første. Uansett, denne morsomme snutten kom vi over på Marinas myspace, og hvorfor ikke le bort tårene mens vi venter på mer nytt?